ABSTRACT. – Weathering Processes and Their Effects on Stone-Built Cultural Heritage. Case Study: “Saint Archangels” Church, Deag Village. Rural churches are an essential part of the Romanian cultural and historic heritage. Unfortunately their preservation is endangered by a number of factors, both natural (weathering) and anthropogenic (human neglect). Due to the complex nature of the conservation and restoration treatments, an interdisciplinary approach is therefore required. This study focuses on the damage diagnosis methodology applied on the lithic component of the “Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel” Church in Deag village. The methodology consists of a series of investigations carried out both in situ (macroscopic analysis) and in the laboratory (microscopic analysis) which will provide reliable data concerning the weathering processes and their effects. The results will serve in the future elaboration and implementation of conservation and restoration treatments.
Keywords: cultural heritage, weathering, lithic component, damage diagnosis, investigations