
1Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, 400006, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, e-mail:
ABSTRACT. – The Industry of Someşul Mic Corridor. The envisaged work completes, in the most natural way, a developed and recently published study (Gr. P. Pop, Adela Mîrza, 2012), which has analysed the overall features of the four industrial parks of the Someşul Mic Corridor, i.e. TETAROM I and TETAROM II from Cluj-Napoca, TETAROM III from Jucu and Arc Park Dej. For an overall perspective on the analysed geographical area, it must be noted that this starts from Gilău (the exit from Gilău Mountains, at almoust 400 meters altitude) and it continues up to the confluence with Someşul Mare (upstream Dej, Mica commune, at 232 meters altitude), having a cross section of 1-3 km width on the meadow level and 4-5 km width on the upper terrace level (140m); in the eastern and southern part it is bordered by Câmpia Transilvaniei and Masivul Feleacului and in the western part by Dealurile Clujului and Dejului. If we pursued the entire industrial picture of the Someşul Mic Corridor, the issue would acquire a more pronounced indepth complexity determined by the presence of a great number of industrial units and by their diversity. To keep to the necessary scientific level of such an investigation, it should be noted, however, that the study seeks to highlight the major aspects of the industry existing in the corridor. The study would involve the presence and the repartition of industry at communes and industries level according to the number of employees in 2010, where the survey recorded the industrial units with more than 20 employees. Regarding the first problem, it should be observed that the greatest number of employees in the field of industry is located in Cluj-Napoca with 12437 (79,3%) from the total of 15 689 employees working in the 77 industrial units in the Someşul Mic Corridor, followed by Gherla, with 1 399 employees (8,9%), then Floreşti, with 792 employees (5,1%), Fundătura, with 289 employees (1,8%), in the other 6 units operating only 772 persons (4,9%) (table 1, fig.2). Regarding the second issue, i.e. the structure of the corridor industry, it can be noted that there are 2 dominant industries: on the one hand, mechanical engineering and metallic constructions (32,30% from the total number of employees are employed in the industry of Someşul Mic Corridor) and, on the other, the light industry (30,12% of the total number of employees); other three industries share reduced percentage values of 10,0 % (wood and paper processing, food and chemical industry) and are followed by the values of the other industries with significantly lower shares (table 2 and fig.3).
Keywords: Someşul Mic Corridor, industry, employees, Cluj-Napoca, light industry.